Monday, September 12, 2016

NOT TODAY ( Scene 1)

It's not the will to win that matters everyone has that. It's the will to prepare to win that matters.
Paul "Bear" Bryant

I almost didn't make it out of bed this morning. Got the beginning of a cold and my body just want to staple itself to the sheets. Will have to line up my vitamins an cold pills as I have a long week of auditions ahead with me.

Used to like having those self auditions because I didn't have to go anywhere but now I find it twice as much as difficult and more time consuming. Keep bothering the same people to read with me and when you have two or three of those lined up calling a friend to help you eventually will become a bit of a burden for them. So I will have to save my friends for specific ones.

On a similar note, last night's table read for a short film I have a role in turned out very good. I'm excited to be working on such project and I look forward to a great production. There's always the opportunity of growth and making new friends when working on projects. You meet people that challenge you to be better or people who let you realized how far you've come from where you started. 

There's always something to learn in any situation, something to teach and something to share. We just have to keep our hearts and minds open and we'll be able to noticed those things.


Scene 1

AT RISE: Stage is completely dark except for a faint moon light coming in from a window. On an old bedside radio we can see that it is 7:06 AM. Chopin is playing.

The shadow of what looks like a bedroom. On stage center is a bed in between two windows. On stage right is a door to the bathroom. Next to it there's another door that opens to a closet. In between the two doors is a round table with a flower base and picture frames; a mirror hangs on the wall behind it. There's another door stage left that leads to the rest of the house.

Once the lights are up we can see a room decorated with the utmost of tastes for someone who doesn't have enough money to buy expensive furniture. Nothing happens for the next minute.

ANDREA (40's) lays in bed while her partner WILL (40's) is locked in the bathroom. A faint running water sound can be heard. The sound stops. Will opens the door and turns on the bedroom lights.

Time to get up sleepy head.

He uses a bathroom towel to dry himself up while surfing in the closet for something to wear.

WILL (con't):
I think Drew is going to have a "talk" with me today. Two weeks ago I noticed that there's was something he wanted to tell me but couldn't. We went "shopping for shirts" during our lunch break. I thought it was an excuse. You know, a way to get me out of the office and kind off hint to me that the company was letting me go.

What did he said?

Nothing. He kept asking how I was doing. If I was happy now that I was working from home more often, but he didn't say anything you know. He just kept pacing around the store looking for a "shirt".

Did he get a shirt?

Why is that important?

Because if he got a shirt that means he was looking for a shirt and not "looking" for a shirt as in I'm going to use the shirt thing as an excuse.

Sometimes I don't get your logic you know? He obviously don't need a shirt. We've been working for years and I know that the least he needs is a new shirt. He took me to the store. Me, a Vice President of marketing, to get a shirt. I have a collection of shirts to wear to work, all different shades of blue. Why would he ask me to accompany him to choose a shirt?

Maybe he wanted your opinion on a blue shirt.

He was "looking" for a pink shirt Andrea.

Did he get it

Again, the shirt thing is irrelevant. I was not there to help him choose a shirt. I was there so he could find a way to tell me that I was going to be fired.

Did he mention that you were going to be fired?

We couldn't talk about that I was looking for a shirt.

Did you get a shirt?

I was not there to get a shirt. I was there to "help him get a shirt"

So, did you "helped him"?

I'm telling you that I was.

Well, did he get one or not?

He did.

Then you have nothing to be worried about. He went there to look for a shirt, he found one that he liked and he bought it.

How come they are letting me go then?

Are they letting you go?

Not yet, but that was the whole purpose of "buying a shirt".

Stop referring to "the shirt".

Well, I'm referring to "it" because I know for fact that it wasn't his intention.

You don't know for a fact. They have not "talk" to you about it.

So know you are saying "talk" as if everything is in my head. Well, it is not. I'm being let go and that's certain. I just don't know when. Not yet, but a month tops. You'll see.

Let's say that you are right and that the company is letting you go. So what? wouldn't that be better for you? After all that's what you wanted so that you could have more time to write your book and "enjoy the garden".

I don't want to "enjoy the garden". I want to enjoy the garden. That's a fact you know. But one thing is for them to let me go and the other thing is if I can afford to be let go. We both know we can't.

We'll sell your book and live of that.

You sure is not "we'll sell your book"?

Stop it. I'm not putting anything you said or do in apostrophe.

Are you "sure"?

Today's not the day.

Why not, it is always a good day.

Not today Will, not today.

Oh why not Andrea? Your fingers must be "hurting". Lets "talk" about that.

Will we have already wasted around five minutes talking about "shirts" and "punctuation marks". Why don't you "go to work", have "lunch with" Drew, "help" him find a shirt with a different shade of pink, "get fired", "come back home" and then we can have a whole conversion that ends with question marks. "Ok"?

She get out of bed and goes to the bathroom slamming the door after her.

(Adjusting his tie and talking to himself.)
He didn't get a pink shirt. He was "looking" for a pink shirt. I was just trying to make an observation you know.

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