Tuesday, August 16, 2016

I won't use the word: Fuck! (Unless strictly necessary)

It has been a while. Life has been my excuse as usual. Work, being tired, not having time, lacking inspiration, the place not being clean, having to do something else. Let's face it, we are olympic medallists making excuses. We make excuses for making excuses which at least I have a very good reason to.

Anyway, the thing is that I haven't been writing. There was a time when I was producing good work and production was good. Inspiration was constantly in the air. I was taking constant notes, had great ideas for films. Now, even those old ideas do not inspire me to write anymore.

Here's where this blog comes in handy. I have challenged myself to write short stories online, to write scripts and share them online, to write anything and share it online. Yes, I have an annoying friend who have been telling me to do this for the longest time, and yes, I'll have to admit that he was "right" if something good comes out of this and blah!

My purpose is to re-start the writing engine and wake up my muses. Improve my grammar, practice, drill the skills and hopefully enough readers will see this and help me improve. Give me feedbacks on the stories and motivate me to develop them further. If no a single soul reads it, well who cares, I have many loose pieces of papers around the apartment with film ideas that maybe no one ever is going to read. Heck, at least I'm typing.

One thing though, I'm tired of all the violence and guns and negativity that we find nowadays in films. I think that as writers or filmmakers we have a great influence in society and in those who follow our work and that for many years we have been contributing to the negativity, anger and ignorance that is overtaking the world we live in today. Therefore aside from writing on a consistent basis, so help me the universe, I challenge myself to:

  • Although writing about negative events or concepts I will write stories that have a positive message within them without making them preachy or cliche.
  • Not use weapons to get out of though situations.
  • Fuck! won't use bad words unless strictly necessary. 
  • Improve my grammar.
  • I will write for at least an hour a day.
  • Will write stories for every freaking one as I extremely dislike the fact that our industry thinks that only models and drop dead gorgeous people have a story to tell.
  • Since there's no endless challenge I give myself 120 days (or 120 posts) which is an average feature film page count. (This post being the title page doesn't count of course)

Time's up. Off we go, to the challenge!

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